今天j9九游会真人第一品牌游戏美术外包公司的小伙伴给大家推荐Houdini Engine For Unity,在很多手游中,Houdini Engine For Unity开始大量使用。
英文官方原文:In Houdini, networks of nodes can be easily wrapped up into Houdini Digital Assets then shared with other artists. With the Houdini Engine, these assets can be loaded into the Unity game editor with procedural controls available to artists.
英文官方原文:The results can then be further manipulated in Unity. Anytime a parameter is changed on the asset, the Houdini Engine is called upon to "cook" the network of nodes and publish the results to Unity. This allows for deep integration of Houdini Digital Assets into a Unity game development pipeline. The game content is baked out when the game is published.
英文官方原文:1. Download the Houdini Engine
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:要访问Houdini引擎,请下载Unity插件附带的Houdini安装程序。虽然该插件将Unity连接到Houdini引擎,但需要完整的Houdini安装来在表面下烹饪结果。你可以使用Houdini,Houdini FX,Houdini引擎许可证来运行引擎。Houdini Indie和Houdini Engine Indie将处理有限的商业资产文件。
英文官方原文:To access the Houdini Engine, download the Houdini installer which comes with the Unity plug-in. While the plug-in connects Unity to the Houdini Engine, a full Houdini install is needed to cook the results under the surface. You can run the Engine using either a Houdini, Houdini FX, Houdini Engine license. Houdini Indie and Houdini Engine Indie will work with limited commercial asset files.
英文官方原文:2. Install and Load the Plug-in
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:下载了Houdini安装程序后,运行它并确保在Houdini Engine安装程序屏幕上选择“Houdini Engine for Unity”选项。
英文官方原文:Once you have downloaded the Houdini installer, run it and be sure to select the "Houdini Engine for Unity" option on the Houdini Engine installer screen.
英文官方原文:After installation, you’ll need to import the plug-in package into your Unity project. You can find the plug-in package at
英文官方原文:To import the plug-in into your Unity project:
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:确保删除任何以前的Houdini Engine for Unity插件文件夹。您可以在Assets/Plugins/HoudiniEngineUnity中找到它。如果有HoudiniEngineUnity文件夹,请从Unity内部删除它及其所有内容。
英文官方原文:Make sure to delete any previous Houdini Engine for Unity plug-in folder. You’ll find it in Assets/Plugins/HoudiniEngineUnity. If you have the HoudiniEngineUnity folder, delete it along with all its contents from inside Unity.
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:在Unity中,转到Assets>Import Package>Custom Package
英文官方原文:In Unity, go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package
英文官方原文:Navigate to and select the
英文官方原文:Make sure all files are selected (they should be by default), and select Import.
英文官方原文:Unity will now install the plug-in files into Assets/Plugins/HoudiniEngineUnity
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:完成后,如果您将鼠标移到Unity菜单上,您应该会看到Houdini Engine Unity菜单显示在顶部。
英文官方原文:Once complete, you should see the Houdini Engine Unity menu show up at the top if you move the mouse over to the menu in Unity.
英文官方原文:3. Plugin Docs
英文官方原文:To learn more about the Unity plug-in and how it works, you can refer to the documentation. Here you will be able to discover details about how the plug-in can be used in your gamedev pipeline.
英文官方原文:4. Load Asset into Unity
英文官方原文:Sample Asset:
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:目前,EverGreen资产随Houdini Engine for Unity插件一起提供。您可以在Unity项目的Assets/Plugins/HoudiniEngineUnity/HDAs/everning.hda下找到资产文件。
英文官方原文:Currently the EverGreen asset is shipped with the Houdini Engine for Unity plug-in. You’ll find the asset file under Assets/Plugins/HoudiniEngineUnity/HDAs/Evergreen.hda in your Unity project.
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:您可以将常青资源拖放到场景或层次窗口中来实例化它。执行此操作时,会在后台启动一个Houdini会话,并将资源加载到其中,然后进行烹饪。在Unity中,它将被创建为一个Houdini Digital Asset gameobject层次结构,该层次结构由几个带有Houdini引擎脚本的gameobject、自定义检查器UI、生成的网格、碰撞器和材质组成。
英文官方原文:You can drag & drop the EverGreen asset into your Scene or Hierarchy window to instantiate it. When you do that, a Houdini session is launched in the background, and the asset will be loaded into it, then cooked. In Unity, it will be created as a Houdini Digital Asset gameobject hierarchy which consists of several gameobjects with Houdini Engine scripts, a custom Inspector UI, generated meshes, colliders, and materials.
英文官方原文:Custom Asset:
英文官方原文:To load other assets, you can place the asset’s .hda or .otl file in your Unity project’s Assets folder, then drag & drop into the Unity scene or hierarchy window.
j9九游会真人第一品牌机译:另一个选项是从菜单加载资源:转到Houdini Engine Unity>加载Houdini Digital资源,然后选择资源文件。
英文官方原文:Another option is to load the asset from the menu: Go to Ho